Motorcycle SIG – Interest?

The new Automotive Shop has an area designated “Motorcycle Shop”. If we are going to have a space, we should have a Special Interest Group (SIG) to manage it. I have been told that a motorcycle lift is included in the plan. We should really have a list of other tools that would be useful for custom bike projects, modifications, DIY accessories, maintenance, and repairs.

To this end, we should have a meeting (all good things start with meetings, right?). So we will set up a MCSIG Planning Meeting for either a Tuesday night, or a Saturday afternoon, about two weeks from now. Tell me which you would prefer below.

The MCSIG can be anything from just an entity to manage the space, to an organization that builds a custom bike for the Hand Built Motorcycle Show, at all times, of course, complying with all applicable rules and regulations of the City, County, State of Texas, USA, and the Space. We can discuss this at the meeting.

Also, if you have any ideas as to tools and equipment that would be useful in a motorcycle shop, and you cannot make it to a meeting, post your suggestions below. I will start it off with my suggestion: a Motorcycle Chassis Dynamometer… What else do we need?


Ok, I won’t schedule a meeting, if no one is interested. Send me a PM if you want any further info.

Show of hands of people that have EVER actually been near a motorcycle dyno in use ?

For those that have not, please visit Arglye business parks where Superbikes had to build an enclosure insidw their shop to house their dyno due to the noise complaints the residents outside the business park nearby.

308 FM 1830
Argyle Tx 76226

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Hm. This sounds like a place I’d like to spend more time… :smiley:

Bring really good ear protection. The Ducatis are crazy loud


DESMO FTW, BAYBEE!!! WHUT?!?! :rofl:


These guys used to partner with the “dyno” guy…they have a really nice operation:

If you swing by (monkey pun) be sure to drop by my place a few hundred metres away in the same park.

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If we’re gonna be making fun vroom motorcycle noises I’m gonna buy a 90s CBR 250RR for those F1 level revs.

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