More support for Cell Phone Cameras

Hey everyone,

I was chatting with @JayJohnson600 Saturday about digital media and made the suggestion that we might want to provide more options Cell Phone Cameras. I know it isn’t the most professional option on the market to use your cell phones to shoot things , but most of us have them on hand and with a couple of accessories we could make some nice things at the space.

This main item I think would be nice is a Cell Phone Tripod Mount. I personally like this one:®-Smartphone-Tripod-Mount-Universal/dp/B00FS5L9D4/ref=sr_1_46?ie=UTF8&qid=1465240317&sr=8-46&keywords=cellphone+tripod+mount+adapter

What makes it nice is that you can tighten it with a screw. We had the cheaper option that relied on spring tension in the past. It dropped my phone and ended up breaking so I would suggest against spring models for those reasons.

Any other accessories that others would find useful? Have any of you use a clamp style mount they would suggest as an option other than a tripod to mount the camera to?


There’s a ton of phone mount designs online we can 3D print, most just use a 1/2-20 nut. Might be worth printing a few of those for Digital Media.

You can get them from China all day long for a buck or two. I have one I throw in the back of my car with a tripod in case I am ever out and want to do impromptu family portraits.

Links please. Both the 3d print ones and the Chinese.

Maybe these?



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Yes those are cheaper, but they all rely on a spring tension. Spring tension isn’t consistent and will weaken and break under the use at Dms. Do you want to trust that with your $600+ dollar cell phone. I don’t.

Thanks for sharing, I thought we would find some like the one I suggested from China for less.

This should be better


Or just get a few of the one you posted.

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Ooo, those look cool. Not sure Jay is willing to pay for them, but I’d love to try one.

They look cooler still when attached to an Osmo. :smiley:

This looks to be a good system btw.

For those on the IOS platform. There are similar systems from other brands as well.

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Here is my new favorite option after searching AliExpress for an hour.,searchweb201602_1_10037_10017_507_10032_401,searchweb201603_1&btsid=ab5f734f-3ab0-42c2-ab1f-f9b56794bd83

same price as reticam but offers more features.

@JayJohnson600 if you like this one I’ll buy and donate media.

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I really do like it,
I found it on amazon for a bit more with prime shipping. I’ll split it with you how does that sound? Get Jay to order it so we don’t have to pay tax. Prime shipping is better than 10-15 day shipping. :smile:

Done! …

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Digital Media already has 3-4 phone mounts, including a 3D printed one which I fell in love with because it was such a simple design. You have to go digging for them, but they are there. None of them are large enough to fit my phone, however. So, having more options would be a good thing.

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@mrhavens, is great seeing you still here helping from outside DMS. I took about 15 minutes to look for a Phone tripod mount on Saturday and couldn’t find any of the 3 to 4 I remembered from Digital Media as well. I know the really cheap one broke, I saw a member using it and the 2 pieces popped a part and broke the plastic. Do you know where they might be? I checked the room and the black cabinet. Are they stored in a know spot that I may of looked over?

@Photomancer, I’m still down for the split, this mount is great as it does a lot and offers multiple mounting options above just mounting it to a tripod.

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Still done, if it ads some capability and @JayJohnson600 wants it, we’ll give him the money.

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There was once a cardboard box full of zip bags containing cables and parts. There was at least two of the cheap phone mounts in there. And I know of at least one printed phone mount that was on loan by Haley Moore.

I was interested in printing out several phone mount designs and trying them out, because honestly, the printed ones seemed more sturdy and better designed than the commercial ones. I hope someone beats me to it before I’m able to return to the Space.


I printed this last night, it’s a customizable phone mount for tripods, it’s a quick print and cheap, it’s not as universal, but it works.


I’m not a fan of that design,

What would happen to your phone if the tripod was bumped? Seems like they are using the just put it between 2 book ends idea. Functional and simple Yes. Universal and secure not so much.

Thanks for printing the first 3d example, I hope you are up for printing more… I’m excited to see the other options.

I’ll go by home depot and pick up a bag of 1/2"-20 nuts for tripod mounts, there are a ton on thingiverse that wouldn’t take more than a few hours to print for digital media. I love cross committee projects like that.

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