Not to come across as a whiner (I may be one but you don’t need to know that) i am bummed out at how we did not have any open forge/ classes in august i singed up to DMS for the blacksmithing equipment I stayed because of how awesome it is.
I’m hoping we could see a larger number of open forge opportunities in the next few months even if they are not classes but just open forge times that we could work on projects. My first class it was mentioned that there may be an opportunity to get trained in use and maintenance of the forge so that more people might be able to set up open forge times which i would honestly love.
so what are every ones thoughts do you think we might be able to set a forge use class so that we could get a few more open forge times in the future
I don’t know if there is a project owner working on the induction forge but my understanding is one of the reasons was that the forge could be ran inside I would expect if you can get that tool up and running there would be options for year round forging.
@Team_Blacksmithing, Ive also been asked if there was one set up left out of the trailer so individuals could set up outside themselves. Is the set up at the space?
Is there any person in particular that would know the status of the induction forge? I was told not long ago that the indoor forge was a no-go because of venting? I took the plasma-cam class a week or 2 ago (with you I think) at which point I wondered why venting for a forge couldn’t just be tied into the plasma cams’ vent? I have no idea as to the accuracy of what was relayed to me- but it would be great to have an update. Having access to a forge and anvil was the initial reason I visited makerspace - now I’m leaning towards just making a forge, the only thing holding me back is not wanting to shell out for an anvil… All that being said - I have no interest in just piling on with more questions and problems, I am interested in solutions and am willing to help however I can to make the indoor forge a reality if at all possible be it venting issues or otherwise. So I guess, I’m asking if there is a project owner for the induction forge and if so how can I help? Thanks,
Power for the induction forge in Metal Shop is being installed today. We
need to make up a cable and plug for the unit, and a water cooling system
(small pump and bucket; parts are in the shop). If anyone wants to help
with it let me know.
Metal Shop will also need help in developing training for this. I think it can easily be an online course, but while this looks and is easy to use - there are definite safety precautions for the user and the machine that must be observed or it will be “Makered out” fast.
I am sorry for the delayed response. I’ve been swamped with work, QuakeCon, and paperwork madness from trying to get a used Tesla.
We left an anvil and a stump for the Metal shop, but the forges are our two largest pieces of equipment so we did not leave them behind. It’s also important to note that our Coal dealer just got out of the business and so we will need to secure a new source of coal at some point in the future.
We typically try to avoid classes around this time of year due to the extreme heat. Even with the equipment being in a trailer outside it is still brutal moving that much equipment. There are times when I would get home from class in June and my renter would ask me if I was OK because I “Look like death.” It is incredibly brutal, even when attempting to stay hydrated. As such, we avoid the really hot months because no one should be putting their lives at risk to teach a class. However, we have been experimenting in our non-class days to make smaller forges that are more portable. I made a forge out of a gallon paint bucket and refractory cement with the hopes that it could be powered by one of those small propane torches. Unfortunately, there was not enough heat from the torch to bring the metal to temperature. I will have to return to the drawing board and come up with a better design.
As far as spending money on the membership and not having classes, I’m sorry about that. I fully understand. Since it is difficult to get the blacksmithing gear to a usable spot, I’ve only ever used my membership for projects about 5 or 6 times, and I’ve been a member since October of 2013. I mainly just show up to teach.
Anyhow, hopefully this helps explain things a bit.
Mitch my apologies i didn’t mean for this to come across as pouting or threatening to leave. i have found ample use of my membership it is just i signed up for the black smithing classes and want to help grow this committee and want to help in what ever way i can. i am not an experience smith by any means so i don’t feel comfortable teaching but if i can help set up / take down equipment of help with the induction forge i would love to do that. Time is a limited resource and money even more so but what limited resources i have id love to use for this committee
What kind/how long cable & plug? 110/220, 3 or 4 wire? Need a switch for recirculating pump similar to a tile cutting saw setup? I have a couple bins of misc home electrical plugs/ conduit / partial extension cords etc I can scrounge through. Will be at the space for classes tomorrow, wed and sat…