More classes/more space in classes?

I keep checking the class schedule, and there are VERY few classes available–in any discipline–to take. It seems like all the classes are full up to a month in advance or more. (I’ve never seen an opening in traditional woodworking–ever ever ever) I hope now that covid restrictions are easing, more people will be inclined to teach a class.

Would there be a possibility for adding more slots to the classes already on the schedule? Aside from 2 Woodshop basics classes, the next available class–for ANYTHING–is a jewelry class in July, and then there’s nothing else to learn until 2023, I guess? I have no idea what I’m doing next week, much less July, but I signed up for it!

All of our classes are taught by volunteers. Many of those volunteers post their classes about 1 month out, and they fill up quickly. Your best bet is to check the calendar frequently.

Again, we are all volunteers here in a community that works together to make this a better place. If you see that there’s not enough classes, perhaps consider teaching some classes yourself.


I’d say inspire others to teach by teaching yourself. Everyone has a skill they can teach.

You can get the honorarium if you want it. Ive always donated mine back to the committee.


Would also love to see a beginner traditional woodworking class.
Specifically, want to make a Dala hast (left),
was able to make one out of ceramics (right) if anyone is interested in a hand building class.

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The whole point is that I want to learn about different things. How is MY teaching a class accomplishing that? (for the record, I have done that, so if you feel it’s some sort of “karma account” that needs a deposit, I’m good.)

I check the class schedule weekly, sometimes daily. I’m saying that the classes fill up TOO quickly; is there anything that can be done so I don’t have to check hourly?

I realize it was a different world back then… but pre-pandemic I was taking 3-5 classes a week, in all different departments. I’d love to take even 1-2 per week, instead of 1 every 3 months.

Big picture solution efforts:

Join the education group to work on the system issues that affect teachers and develop methods to encourage and nurture a thriving instructor pool.

Small picture efforts: Talk to individuals with skills/former teachers/etc. and see what is in the way of them teaching more. Would they be more inclined if you offered to be a teaching assistant and help set up? Is sourcing and acquiring materials something they don’t have personal time for? Do they not want to hold a class unless there are X number of students committed to showing up? Determine the roadblock and offer your time as well to help fix it.

Least effort:

Understand that all instructors are individuals and all our lives changed for about two years. Found new hobbies, spent more time with friends, focused on individual projects, got out of the habit of teaching, have at-risk family members at home, got tired of the general populace, etc. Be a groovy, pleasant member and make the space a positive place on your own, within the work you already do. Draw people back to their love of DMS by making cool things and being awesome.

This is all my perspective and it has worked for me so far, I hope it can assist you as well!


You might contact the dude that’s teaching the Traditional Woodcarving. He’s being paid through EventBright, and most of those folks are non-members. They also seem to have paid up forever. He’s got his website and email listed on the class.

That is, the same 4-5 people ring the bell every Tuesday.



Not really, as long as the supply of classes is small, and the demand high, they’re going to go quickly. There’s no way for anyone to force people to teach more classes, or force teachers to let more students in their class.

No one’s requiring any sort of ‘karma balance’, but DMS isn’t usually a good fit for people that complain and want others to fix their problems. In general, the attitude of the space is ‘if you don’t like it, fix it’, so when someone complains ‘hey I don’t like this’ the response is, obviously, ‘here’s how you can fix it’.


I think it’s Traditional Woodcarving.


Correct. And in this particular case, it is less of a class and more something like an activity club meeting, i.e. a group of people that are already associated that have either joined DMS or are sponsored by us for making activities (something well within our scope and mission).

BUT…it does suggest a pretty good model for members that want to do something and can’t find specific classes to support their interests: send out feelers to form an activity club like this. For example, if one wanted to do more acrylic pour painting, don’t sit around waiting for someone to teach a class…ask around or post an interest check. When 3 or 4 or whatever stick their head above the parapet and express some interest in participating, start a group PM to coordinate a day, time, place, supplies list and other planning. Ta Da…

This is not very different from the Fiber-a-Frolics, where one can just show up and really spin a good yarn, or @Julie-Harris’s “Ima-Try-and-Tie-Dye-and-See-How-It-Goes”: Rainbow Tie Dye Event!

I hope I didn’t inadvertently over-explain something…

I would add: Put it on Calendar to reserve the room. Otherwise another activity could reserve the room “first Come First Served”. In fact, if not on the calendar and someone(s) were in the room you’d have no right to run them off. This will also avoid those type of conflicts.

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I think you have filtered this through your (very) personal viewpoint. You have discounted the ceramics classes, the metal shop and machine shop offerings. There are classes in screenprinting and letterpress. Granted, most of the these classes are already full, but not all of them are.

Class sizes are usually limited by the amount of equipment we have, and how many students a teacher feels that they can teach/deal with.

The only time I’ve ever put up a class more than a month out was when we were running out of classrooms. Multiple instances of the same class lead to students signing up for more than one, and then only attending one of the classes they signed up for. Or, if it’s too far out, then they forget that they signed up. Chronic no-shows keep down diversity.

Even if I’ve got a class that’s full, I won’t put up a 2nd class until the first one is done.


I was told by a member of the class that he does not post openings to our calendar. Same member told me to drop by maybe before or after the class and let the teacher know you are interested so he can work you in when there is another opening.

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Most people have offered great solutions, but I want to suggest another.

Post on talk what you’re interested in learning and see if there is enough interest to hopefully get someone to teach it, or even see if someone is willing to just teach/help you with it.

Several factors have played into our class numbers dwindling. One of the ways to help boost it is by showing interest.

I don’t have the time to have set knitting classes on regular intervals, but if there was interest shown I would make a point to find time to teach a class. Same with any skill I know.

So think of things you would like to learn and ask! You might get a hit, you might not. Best case scenario someone who has never taught will be interested and you can help them learn the process of setting a class up!

Side note- I think a class on how to set up and run classes might be solid.


FWIW, I have an RSS app on my phone that informs me the instant a class is posted online. It’s much more convenient than checking the calendar weekly, daily, whatever…


I’d be interested in getting hat. Where can that app be obtained?

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Just look for “RSS Reader” on Google Play Store…


As noted, you DO need a reader/app/whatevs, but here’s how you know it’s offered (and if you’re so inclined, can use these feeds to do…whatever one wants to do with those feeds…)

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That seems better than my RSS (Refresh Site and See)


I’ve been wanting that one as well.