More Blue Tape Crew Trolling of DMS

As a person who goes to the makerspace frequently, I don’t find the community to be very active these days. I agree that activity and financial well-being are jointly more important than total membership, but I still think the makerspace is not anywhere near its potential. I think it is going in the right direction in many ways, but I really don’t think the board can carry us to victory on this. The future success of DMS is really in the hands of the committees, but so much of the conversation gets drawn towards the board.

So many committees are absurdly inactive and this is the biggest problem that I see. That’s why I personally want to place more focus on science committee than I do the maintenance of the space over all, even though that is important as well.

People need to stop betting on this or that board to be the thing that will solve the issue and actually take on the challenges that are sitting right in front of them.