Who “maintains” our Moodle “wrapper”? Not the specific courses, but the framework that presents the courses?
The following are listed as current admins.
If there is a specific request I can help.
Edit:. I have removed Brooks as he is no longer a member.
Maybe they can fix the spelling as well:
“enrol” —>“enroll”. (3x)
“enrolment” —>“enrollment”. (4x)
That’s why I asked. Exactly why I asked. Alex explained to me that’s the British spelling. Go figure …
Didn’t we fight a couple of wars for the freedom to spell words correctly?
The war continues.
In the 1828 Noah Webster created an American Dictionary that captured American usage and reflected spelling changes - often deliberate to
separate us from those lickspittle toady royalists (@mreynolds nothing personal mark ). There’s more of us than them …they are now the minority dialect … heck we may be a minority dialect depending how many in India speak their English dialect!
The short answer from Moodle Devs: “if you dislike like the way Brits spell, use free software developed somewhere other than The Commonwealth”.
Yep, looks good to me!!
Americans and the British: two peoples connected by a common ocean and separated by a common language.