Monthly VECTOR Committee meeting 9/6/2018 8-9pm

I scheduled the next monthly committee meeting for VECTOR for Thursday September 6th from 8-9pm in the conference room.

Topics for the meeting will include:

  • Committee chair election for next term
  • Expansion discussion for our committee space
  • Upcoming classes and events

Looking to make the first Thursday each month from 8-9pm our monthly committee meeting night unless there is any major conflicts or objections.

Last night we had our monthly committee meeting for VECTOR.

– I was reelected as committee chair for another term. Jayson Woods will continue as vice-chair as well for the next term.

– Post event discussion for the event we recently were a part of at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.

– Jayson gave an update on the upcoming three week museum event that we will be helping put together during the State Fair of Louisiana in Shreveport starting on the last weekend in October. Redirecting...

– Raymond Jett is going to be donating some equipment to help build out our ability to do arcade game board testing and repair by having a bench test station.

– Raymond is also working on some digital logic electronics basics classes as time allows.

– I am working on some really basic arcade and pinball basics classes as time allows with my job and other projects. Hoping to get one on the calendar soon.

– We recently have had several projects leave and we have started getting some new projects in the area from new Vector members. Several more are on the way as we continue to clean up a few things and move out some stuff.

– Also briefly talked about the upcoming Houston Arcade Expo in October. Several of us will be attending the show and may bring a few games. For more info on the show visit

– We had a short discussion on the upcoming DMS open house. We are planning on having a few operational games within our area as well as some project games that can be opened as exhibits.


My kids will enjoy that

Those will be good for vintage computer enthusiasts too.