Thought I would post up some testing photos from the Mocha Diffusion class last night. We tried out an assortment of bases which give different capillary action across the slip surfaces. Looking forward to some really great pieces in the future!
For anyone looking to try this out on their own: 1) good results with thinned Trinity cone 6 basic slip 2) 5%-30% mason stain to base (1/4 cup base to 1 heaping tablespoon is a good general fast-start)
Saki and Soy Sauce! Too much fun!
Thanks for putting all the work in for this! 

I liked the lemon juice, acetone and white vinegar, too! I think the only dud was the Castile soap, I’ll play around with that one and see if I can figure it out.
will you text me the pics and I’ll post on Instagram and FB for us 
Thats really neat. Are each of those tests different bases?
Mostly! The first photo is the best quick pic I grabbed that really shows the fine difference between bases.
Application method also can really change up the style, the feather looking result is from a piece of soaked string.
Great results! I’ve not tried it with mason stains in it.
Old school recipes made from chewing tobacco.