Where’s the 5 ton rated steel floor jack (gray color) that’s normally in the automotive area? It’s been missing for a few days.
Maybe the same place the rhino ramps went
Hacked to bits and thrown in the dumpster? Or grew legs and walked off?
Walked off apparently
I was afraid you were going to say that. A smoking gun is much preferable to hundreds of hours of security footage. Now the question, do I review the footage or just buy a new jack? If I decide to review the footage and find who took the jack I’m going to call the police! No, seriously, I’m going to call the police. Please return the god damn jack, thank you.
@Brandon_Green @lukeiamyourfather I just PM’d both of you… check it, it might help…
Thanks for the messages everyone. The moment the jack was taken has been found in the security camera footage. We’re working on identifying the member.
is this a new project for DMS?
I suggest a design modification for the seat:
Oooh I like this. I’ll bet I could make in miniature.
Isn’t the jack this Harbor Freight 4 ton model?
I thought it was 5 ton but it might be that 4 ton model.
Let’s see…contributions/classes from wood shop, blacksmithing/metal/machine shops, leather sig, and electronics. Justice is a family affair at DMS…
If you make it Chris, you can bet it will be realistic.
Should we do it before or after the Potlucks? Probably get BIG turnouts. Apparently public hangings in the Old West were well attended.
Public Floggings, be-headings and be-handings are still popular events in some countries - I’d say after potlucks
The member has been identified and reported to the Carrollton police department along with the member’s billing information and security footage of the incident. Theft won’t be tolerated at the Dallas Makerspace.
Yeah! Another one eligible for felony time!
only if the DMS follows through with the charges