Minimum age for using woodshop and other tools?

This policy was based on the teachers. It was not the official policy unless it was set at the last meeting.

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Are the minutes from the last meeting up, I’d like to read them. I am curious how being classified as a volunteer for a non profit changes the rules on using powered equipment. I know with employed minors it is a huge no no for them to even touch certain tools but that’s due to osha compliance.

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Moderator can probably separate this out. My understanding is DMS would be the one protecting you at this point. I am not an expert so take if for what it is General Liability that DMS carries would not protect teachers from another member. General Liability only covers external parties and external parties are non members for example someone doing a tour. So if a member got hurt based on a teachers actions than the GL policy would not come into play.

I would absolutely recommend dangerous tools rated red on the Tool Matrix be restricted to persons over the age of 18.

Further Information.

From Robert’s article:
“Older children are generally held liable for negligent conduct if they did not behave ­carefully as measured by what other children of the same age would understand is reasonably careful. And once children become middle teenagers, they are held to pretty much the same standard as adults. When driving a car, a minor is held to exactly the same standards as adults.”


I was 12 going on 13 in Middle School when I was trained in both wood working and metal working in a shop much bigger than ours with many more dangerous tools. I think at 16 with proper training they should be able to operate anything.

I think parents should sign a consent form since we were required to back then as well so they affirm the risks their child is taking. The instructor checks everyone over when teaching anyway and if they think that person is not ready to operate on their own then have them take more training. We had one teacher to 20+ of us and we operated safely and kept our shop clean and almost spotless.

If we do not have teachers willing to teach that young I will volunteer and teach them and any others.