Mind if I Kick Off a Nine Day 3D Print Job?

The eyes are the first to go. The first time I read this I thought you had 2’ ants on the WEDDING table, and I did think that was truly weird.

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Hmmm… I’ve got time before the wedding to make some but would be difficult to transport in the Smart car all the way. I do like what you’re thinking though.

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There is a split version of this which is easier to print. (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2815721)

This also means you can print a bigger one :sunglasses:

I also don’t think you will need as much infill as shown in the video.

I printed this with the single piece at about 12 inches I think. Took about 2 days if I recall. Certainly not 9 days.

This does not have a lot of bed adhesion and is definitely prone to dislodging especially if the bed has a lot of jerk (or you are printing fast)


This answered my short loved infill question so I removed it.

well that might all depend on what you’re going to smuggle in that drone… now doesn’t it…and if there’s any that might say, fall off the truck in 3D fab - wink wink… - all in good fun…