I don’t mind at all. You are planning on being present or have a plethora of volunteers lined up to watch your print lined up right???
Very cool. Would be nice to see more large scale prints in 3D fab to wow visitors.
I figured I’d start by fasting for a week, then catheterizing myself before hitting the print button. A cot, pizza delivery on speed dial, and some bad B.O. by the time it’s done, but otherwise…doable!
If you want some help with that, let me know. I’m really good with a tube.
If you are serious I am sure we can find some way to get the project done with proxy’s.
don’t forget a case of immodium so you don’t have to poop.
Large projects like this around the Space would open more visitors imagination up to what is possible.
Come on now Scott, you know you can’t bring a cot, no sleeping, set up the coffee IV drip.
I think that would be a fun thing to pose to the PR group for each Committee area. Paging @talkers
I’m not up for a 9.9 day print job, but you gotta admit, the results are really nice.
One year for open house I had one of the 2’ ants on the welding table demonstrating how easy basic MIG welding can be. I had the wood jig I made on CNC router and showed the plasma cut tabs. It really highlighted how multiple committees can be leveraged to create something fabulous.
Those ants were totally cool!
I would love to see how those are made.
23 pieces of rebar cut to length, then welded back together with 4 plasma cut tabs on outer legs. All supporting a fiberglass body. Then taken out back and shot. With Plastidip. Gives it color as well as help protect from elements.
That sounds more like performance art.
PolyPrinter does do printer leases for $120 a week or $350 for the month. You could lease one for a month and make 3 prints, and split the cost of the rental with two others (or perhaps sell the prints, if the Licensing allows it).
Naps are only allowed if you remain vertical. Horizontal napping is considered sleeping.
I think this brings up an interesting point that is worth 3D Fab committee consideration. Would it be possible to set aside a specific printer or printer(s) (maybe post expansion after new printers are added) that can be used for very long running prints and WON’T require the person or a proxy to be present?
The main reason for the rule is safety, Prints need to be monitored for safety. If we allow ONE printer to be used in this way and disregard the safety rule, then it makes the Safety rule on the other printers pointless.
There are enough people here offering to help, showing that the proxy system for long prints is still a valid way to do it.