Mill Training HAAS/Bridgeport

Hello. I’m a new member at Dallas Makerspace, and was wondering how I can get trained for using the mills here?

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If you read the 2nd post below About the Machine Shop Category, it tells you most of that information including links for the required self-study prerequisite. Similarly, there is a poster on the side of the main machine shop cabinet with QR code links.

The training manual link for the HAAS appears to have gone bad:

And as far as I can tell – although as my wife can testify, I am admittedly not the best at finding things that are right in front of my face – there aren’t any other links on the HAAS Wiki page for training (

Sooo… halp?

Looks like the new link to the training manual is:

(Please correct me if I’m wrong)

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This brings up an important point. While the online links are useful in order to always have the latest version, when you own a decades-old resource there is the risk that the linked manual may disappear. In fact, several of the HAAS links were broken. So … I’ve done a little proactive work.

  • Added a link to the new training manual to the HAAS wiki. I left the old one linked but I’m pretty sure it’s gone.
  • Installation guide and layout drawing links were broken. Uploaded the installation guide and the layout drawing to the wiki from files I had previously downloaded and linked to those.
  • Fixed the broken link to the 1994 service manual. Described that it has been superseded by another linked manual.
  • The links to the 2002 Operator and Service manuals are still good. However - I downloaded these documents, stored them on the committee drive and mentioned that in the wiki in case they disappear from the HAAS site.

And thank you for your support.

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Double double like. Thank you Chris.

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Thanks Chris. It would be helpful if the “Tool Crib and Post-Processor” document were freely shared; right now it requires additional access permissions on what appears to be a Google Drive account (?).

The larger question – OP’s question, in fact – is how/when/what do we need to do to get HAAS training up and going again? I’d love to start using the HAAS and took the initial in-class training several years ago, but then for reasons I don’t remember now, the domino-creation “prove you can operate the machine without making it go all busto” part of the class was unavailable (I’m guessing the trainer got otherwise busy, which we all understand). That was useful in particular for getting me acquainted with Fusion (which I now use all the time with my 3Dprinter), but I’d love to get qualified on the Haases (Haasi?) for things that need to be milled rather than just printed. If there’s someone else I should interface with, let me know. Am glad to help. Thanks.

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Odds are very high this IS freely accessible to Members using their DMS Google account.

Here’s an instructional video on using G Suite:

EDIT: I’m not clear which doc is in question, but if it is NOT it should be part of machine shop’s google drive repertoire.

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