First, I spent a bit of time cleaning and rearranging the shop. @Kriskat30 was kind enough to contribute some time making some new signage for certain areas. The old powder oven has been moved to the far corner to keep it out of the way until we finalize it’s destination (likely sell it after a little bit of cleanup).
Second, The PPE racks have been organized a bit; one shelf for Eyes and the other for ears. There were some various gloves in a… needing TLC state is how I’ll describe them. If they are yours, let me know. If not, I’m likely going to get a disposable box holder of some thick Nitriles and Latex available instead. These aren’t really hot gloves, and seem to be more for chemicals. I made some quickie signs for the shelves on the laser. I didn’t have something handy to hang them with, but IMHO I think we need to stick with the metal theme and make some metal ones and weld to the shelves For now they work, and were made out of scrap so even better.
Side note, did you know there are a handful of pairs of Z87+W5 goggles sitting there? Nice ones too. Keep that in mind for PlasmaCAM classes.
Third, the powder coating media has been placed on a shelf. Laser Safe powder is marked. The Harbor Freight powders are not laser safe since they are PVC based. I did not mark those “no laser” since inevitably the text will smear, and I’d rather we follow a policy of “no mark == not safe” rather than a partial wear let someone see “laser” and nothing else. This is, of course, open for discussion.
There is currently no scale, so for now just guesstimate the powder usage rounding up to the nearest ounce. For perspective, the a single brake caliper likely uses about 1-2 oz of powder. We follow a similar process to Laser and other items, which is you round up to the next full value. Powder is sold by the Ounce, and can be paid on the Kiosk. Once the scale is next to the kiosk, weigh the jar before and after. You have an incentive to be careful not to spill when transferring jars, as you’ll end up with a closer measurement that won’t push over the next ounce
Even though there is no scale currently, just make an honest attempt. Most small parts will use 1 ounce.
Lastly, please remember to clean up after yourself. Everyone says “it’s just one cut,” and unfortunately when everyone says that no one cleans anything. Today I cleaned up a particularly large amount of aluminum left all over the shop in dust form. No one’s perfect, and even I deserved to get called out at times (and you should call me out on that, I’m not above anyone in that regard).
As a reminder we have a cleaning & meeting day on August 4th.