Does anyone know when there will be a fresh gas cylinder for the MIG welder?
Are we out completely? We should have spare bottles, AirGas comes on a schedule and we don’t normally run out. If there’s a spare, the MIG class teaches you how to replace the bottle. Don’t use the bottle attached to the Lincoln Tig welder btw.
Ill talk to Chuck tomorrow. Also see what our gas situation is.
We are officially out, I was told that @LeeCJones ordered replacement.
Where’s the fluxcore when you need one?
But all joking aside, do we have stick welding capability?
Yes, the old tig welder is capable of stick welding. I have used it as such.
Great - is it still in their? I may have missed it, but I don’t remember seeing it or at least where it used to be.
If the Lincoln is the unit I think it is, and for which the owner’s manual is linked on the wiki, it can do DC stick…
I’ll have to look around next time I’m there. I have some 7018 to use. Maybe some 6011.
Yes we do have a Hobart that’s set up for Flux core. Stick is with the Thermalarc. No Arc on the new Lincoln, yes it’s capable but we don’t want people switching torches around.
Roger that. Apologies for muddying the waters.
I do have fluxcore wire I’ll bring up too. Flux core and stick sounds fun…just need to bring my cutting torch and go all old school. That’s how I learned with Stick and gas. I actullay really like welding with gas, no so much with fluxcore.
I need to get over there and build a corner welding jig for some gates I’m going to build soon. I think I might just stick weld those up.
BTW: can I just familiarize myself with the cold cut saw operating manual and go for it or is there some kind of class I have to look out for to be able to use that thing?
Ttraining required for cold saw. not a class, but a handful of people can give you the required training,including myself. Just schedule a good time
Ok thanks = I’ll touch base soon to see when we both are there.
If new cylinders get delivered today can somebody update this post? Thanks
Yes. Airgas said they will deliver tomorrow or Thursday.
Installed a new mig cylinder today, good to go! We have two extras
I thought that Metal Shop & Auto were moving away from AirGas?
We are, The supplier we are going to uses an older style business credit app.