So we are going to have a quick committee meeting Tuesday 2-20-2018. I put it down for 6:45pm or 18:45. There is a welding class at 7. We will discuss & vote the approval for the CNC plasma, so it can go to the board later in the week.
Can we utilize proxy’s for committee meetings? Not sure if I can make Tuesday 6:45.
Yes, we are doing like what we did in machine shop. Approving the expenditure. In a couple weeks we will have another to vote on the machine we want.
Reminder that the committee meeting is tonight, It will be short & sweet. Additionally we will be likely scheduling another committee meeting in the coming weeks.
REALLY wish I could be there, in specific for the CNC Plasma discussion/vote, but as usual, on a Tuesday, I cannot.
I appreciate all the hard work you have put into the research and gathering of quotes and information on this. I look forward to new greatness, whatever the decision. I trust, whatever the outcome, it will be wonderful. I hope I can help.
Tonight is more or less going to be about approving the Not to Exceed. I think the machine we ultimately get needs to be vetted & not rushed judgement. Think of it as we are voting to get the ball rolling, Regardless of what we choose, it will be over 5 grand.
FYI: Newer Members, what Tim is referring to is a self-imposed rule the BoD uses in appropriating funds.
If General Funds, i.e. funds the BoD allocates towards something, are used, then the purchase is by default funded in not greater than $5,000 increments per month. This is so the entire budget does not get hit or consumed with a massive purchase by one committee. This is funds management tool.
So if a committee asks $12,000 from the Board in February and it is approved, then $5,000 in Feb would be set aside, $5,000, March and the $2,000 balance in May. The committee is then transferred the $12,000 in May to the committee account and they can spend that money for THAT ITEM.
By getting it on the calendar and a NTE limit, the committee can get the clock running on the $5,000 increments. If the purchase were say for $24,500 and the Committee is putting up $3,500, then BoD would be funding $21,000, it would take 5 months to be fully funded: $5K X 4 + $1K X 1 = $21K
This explains why you see a lot of $5,000< requests an not $5,500 or $6K
Here are the minutes for the committee meeting. Of course as much as I remember.
Metal Shop Committee meeting 2/20/2018
Chuck Graf (digitally on speaker phone)
Tim Bene
Pat Mulry
Clay Western
Shon Williams
Brad Sims
David Kessinger
Luke Strickland
Committee meeting commenced at 6:48pm (18:48)
During this meeting we discussed the replacement of the current Plasmacam CNC plasma cutter.
This included the discussion of water table vs down draft. We all agreed that the maintenance requirements would outweigh the benefits of a water table.
Briefly discussed the different models and price ranges.
Reminded that we were not making a decision on the actual machine tonight, just that we want to replace it. This was to get the “official ball rolling” to get the first month & 5,000 allocated. Additionally that the replacement as of 2/20/18 the replacement cost of the controller & upgrade is 7,000$.
Discussed metal shops input of funds towards the new machine.
Voted unanimously to have 5,000 of metal shop & 22,000 from the board for a NOT TO EXCEED 27,000$
Discussed a few items as to the organization of the shop & moving of the Square/tombstone.
Meeting closed 7:17pm (19:17)
It’s Mulry, but I agree that my handwriting is crap, and no hard feelings.
Once you guys get it moved I would like to get the screen replaced as it appears gorilla glass does not react well to molten metal. On that note it needs to be reimaged there is a bug on it where the app is not staying open CA had a similar issue and reflashing solved the issue.