I had a merino wool blanket that my dog tore up and is no longer a usable blanket. But really beautiful wool still! It fills a whole garbage bag. As it was quite pricey to purchase I would like to sell it, but not asking for much. If anyone is interested please let me know and what you’d like to offer!
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What color? I’ve been getting into wool appliqué, and larger pieces of wool is hard(er) to come by.
It’s plain white, so easy enough to do what you like to it!
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Yum! Dyeable!
So what do you want for it?
Not knowing your definition of “expensive” or the extent of your dogs “fun”, I’m at a loss as to making an offer. (One of my dogs ate a chunk out of a cashmere sweater once. I informed her I would not be helping her if it was hard to poop out.)
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Here’s an image of it! It’s about half still in woven blanket form and the other half in tufts. It’s about 4.5 pounds total. Seems like buying this wool in big balls would be over $100 for this amount, and since this is all ripped up, would be happy to do around $50 if that is reasonable for you?
Let me know!
Ruh-roh. I thought it was a flat woven blanket. But this is a knitted blanket. Which I don’t have a lot of use for. (I’ve got lots of roving.) I bought a similar blanket at an estate sale. My dog loved it as much as yours loved this one…
With the photo, let’s hope a fiber junkie pipes up!