May 2018 Laser Committee Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Scott Blevins, Vice Chair; Graham Bateman; Clay Romeiser; Kris Anderson; David Shannon; Daniel Hawn; Ryan Caldwell; Syed Sharif; Brian Kuder; Josh Wims; David Summers; Beau Williamson; Laura Margodonna; Gary Margodonna; Brady Pamplin; Jack Sprague; JJ Perry.

Absent: Stephenie Webb, Chair

Location: Purple Classroom. Duration: 1 hour.

General Announcements (‘We the Rosies’ 3D Printing Campaign Announcement and Call for Participants; Maintenance Potluck Logistics)

Informed the Committee of rules violations committed by 4 members: leaving a laser unattended by walking away, leaving a laser unattended by operating more than one laser at a time, underpaying, not paying, and operating a laser without being a member. Outcome: 2 members’ violations were resolved at the Chair level; 2 members’ were referred to the Board for further action, to be determined at the May Board meeting.

Regarding Member who ran all 3 Thunder Lasers simultaneously. After Kris provided a character reference, the Committee agreed that the offending member could serve out 2 weeks of loss of laser privileges, then he must ‘actively’ participate in 1 of 2 upcoming Laser Committee Meetings AND actively participate in Laser Maintenance after the committee meeting. This motion passed with a greater than 2/3 majority vote. If the user in question does NOT complete attendance and participation in 1 of 2 upcoming Laser Committee Meetings and Laser Maintenance days, his laser privileges are to be revoked again until such time as he completes the task.

Chair has a motion before the Board to amend DMS Rules to lengthen the maximum committee area suspension from two weeks to the end of the following month.

A Crossover Class Policy is under development, in collaboration with Leatherworking SIG.
Daniel Hawn will be coordinating with Clay and other members of the Committee to determine the content and feasibility of developing an annual Moodle course for Laser trained members to re-take on a regular interval (likely annually).

Clay has commenced with developing a ‘pop-up’ warning on the laser PC’s, announcing the upcoming LDAP validation against Laser Basics training which as of May 31, will be required in order to run the lasers. This pop-up is an advance heads up on the upcoming requirement to have valid laser basics training in place before using the laser.

Discussed the idea of posting the Laser Committee ‘do-s and don’ts’ on the wall somewhere. Also pointed out that Stephenie had updated the Laser Wiki content recently. Committee was generally in agreement that these two things were a good idea, and something to continue pursuing.

Ryan Caldwell asked about the status of the Rotary Indexer. David Summers replied by mentioning that he was contacting an eBay store owner about getting a device. This is work in progress.

Lightburn software usage was brought up and discussed, in terms of making the Committee aware of its existence, and also in terms of helping to educate members about its use. David Summers mentioned the existence of a software information set-up sheet (developed by Clay R.), and that these (‘how to’ sheets have been posted at a couple of locations in Laser (located at Donner and at another location which I did not capture in the meeting minutes). We have the PRO version of the Lightburn software on-hand at the Space. David also mentioned that Lightburn had been installed on most of the community PC’s at the DMS. Sounds like we need to get more awareness out there regarding its existence, value and use.

David Summers brought up his work with both the long throw and high definition lenses (and lens configurations). Apparently, in conjunction with Lightburn software, Davis has achieved cut quality on the Thunder lasers equal to or greater than what can generally be done with the Epilog laser. David is still working on this initiative with both the long throw lens and the high definition lens set-ups. Work in progress.

David is following up with Stephenie on acquiring more lenses as we are currently low on supply in-house.