Unloaded the glaze kiln.
Thank you!!! I love seeing the pictures! Thank you for all of your work on this.
Loaded a bisque kiln.
There’s cracked bowl and a large vase with cracked slip decoration. Both of those will need some repair.
I have some bisque fix that I don’t mind sharing if it’s needed.
Bisque is unloaded please stop by and pick up your stuff.
I’ve notice people are only picking up some of their things. Please pick up all of your stuff to make room for the next load.
Kiln News: The big kiln is showing a thermocouple fault and I’ll be calling tomorrow morning to get a replacement (X2).
The bisque load was transferred over to the small kiln minus a few large pieces. The mica firing will follow and then glaze.
Thanks to @dryad2b for catching it so quickly!
Thermocouple replaced with new, snazzier, and, most awesomely, cheaper version. Big kiln is back in business.
Mica firing will be loaded early Thursday morning and glaze likely that evening.
Unloaded small Kiln of bisque.
They’re running the mica tomorrow. I should be able to start a glaze kiln tomorrow night.
Glaze is in loaded 1 very small itm stuck. Be careful thebottom may be sharp
it’s mocha from trinity!
Thanks, I have used that in the past and it fired out darker and not so grainey. I love how yours turned out.
thanks I think it’s because I waited too long before trimming the bottom ha.
Glaze unloaded. We had a few overruns. If you are using a new glaze, a new combination of glazes or glazing differently than normal, please remember to either make a glaze tray/pedestal or talk to us before firing to pick an appropriate one so we can test. This will save our kiln shelves and help you get a successful result, both!
Pieces look great: