MaxiSys missing VCI

Did someone accidentally take the VCI plug for a spin? Can’t find the port that goes in the car in the automotive section.


I used it Saturday night on a member’s Chevy Volt that wouldn’t turn on, to pull some codes. @BobKarnaugh do you know that member’s name? Maybe we can tag him and ask.

I saw it being used around 10pm last night as well, on a bimmer.

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The Maxisys Bluetooth module is missing… it was lasted used on a 2011 BMW 5 series


He said that his name was “Christian”, but no last name given. If he was qualified to use the lift the only lift qualified person listed in the AD is Christian Lara. Christian Collins is listed in the AD but is not a current DMS member. I recall you operating the lift for him; was that because he was not on the AD? If you recall him speaking of being a 3D print or laser enthusiast the AD listing could narrow down a dozen Christians to perhaps one. The Auto committee chair can review the video of Saturday night and post the picture to Talk, asking: “Are you or do you know who this is?” to the DMS membership. Usually some one will know or the individual will self report.


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Yes, Christian doesn’t have access. Rod reports that it was last used on a BMW, maybe the Autel logs that data after connecting to it? I suspect Christian’s Chevy Volt doesn’t have ithe dongle in that case.

I haven’t had any luck finding it yet. It’s $250 for a new one so I’ll hold out hope through the weekend. Please do check your vehicle if you’ve used it recently.

Christian checked, and it was not in the Chevy Volt.

It’s been returned. It was accidentally left plugged in to someone’s car.