Materials for Sale?

A new member (welcome!) happened upon me and asked about where laser, etc. materials are sold at DMS… Do we sell any materials anymore? Might be worth having a wiki page of materials that are available? I know there is stuff in leather and a few other places…

I told him I didn’t think we sold that sort of material. Do we now?

The wiki is kind of a mess but there’s some info.

I don’t think DMS has ever directly sold martial other than plywood sheets which was an experiment.

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3D Fab sells the filament and resin you use.

Creative Arts sells a number of materials, among them:

dye sublimation paper
paper and ink when we had functional wide format printers

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A page on the wiki was begun to track ancillary costs, which might be partially applicable, especially if it were finished & up to date:
Specific to CA, here’s a page which might be helpful
Lastly, for purchases of supplies, but NOT offered by DMS, there are the suppliers pages
and the “makery stores” pages
(Same thing, really).

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Machine Shop sells materials as part of the class fee. Several reason committees don’t sell materials:

  1. No place to store material
  2. “Shrinkage”, “theft”, “I don’t have change and will pay later but always forget to pay_”
    • These items means things have to be locked and someone there to make change.
  3. Someone has get the material to restock.

Sometimes there are group buys or you can find someone to split the buy with …
***** CYNIC ALERT ****
then it becomes: “If you go get it I’'ll pay when you get it (not prepay)” which then becomes: “I can only meet you at this time” or “Sorry, can;t make it, something has come up, I’ll have to meet you another time” and you are stuck hauling it around or finding a storage place for it.