Matboard cutters

There were two matboard cutters in the print making area. Did they find a new home, I couldn’t find them this weekend.

They were put on the freebie shelf a week or two back. Just the messenger - that’s all I know.

I’ve been unsure about the exact location of the “freebie shelf” - can you please elaborate

It is crammed in the corner next to the rollup door at automotive. The shelving unit is often overflowing with junk treasures - some of which my wife has forcefully told me not to bring home. It occasionally gets cleaned out…

Rules/Info: HERE

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There is a large sign at the top Feebie (Free) Stuff. There is usually gantry and Engine Hoist and carts parked in front of it.

If you have EVEN SLIGHTEST tendency to hoard - STAY AWAY this is like Meth and Crack. Tie a rope around your waist so a good friend can pull you away!

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There are two more functional/professional grade mat cutters in Creative Arts, they typically just need a good cleaning and fresh blades before use.


Working with @mreynolds on getting those up to par