Hee is the current assignments. If you’d like to change let me know.
If the room is not full by Nov 28, 12 days in advance, I’ll release Lecture Hall so classes or Events can book the room. @uglyknees
Hee is the current assignments. If you’d like to change let me know.
If the room is not full by Nov 28, 12 days in advance, I’ll release Lecture Hall so classes or Events can book the room. @uglyknees
Which space is mine?
ETA found it on the other thread - am I still 13?
I’m not on the list? I dropped my money and application in the black mailbox?
I also dropped my money and application in the mailbox and do not see my name on a table. I have sent several messages
A whole bunchg of things dropped off the cut paste - I did it and walked to the BoD meeting without looking.
I’ll redo it. there were 9 tables