Mark Aspery at DMS Oct 4,5, and 6

I’ve reserved the blacksmithing area for three all day classes in October for the 4th, 5th and 6th. Mark Aspery will be teaching those days from 8:00AM to 5:00PM. He’s going to instruct on how to make: a Hook and Latch, Stag’s Head Hinge and Basket Poker. The cost is $150 per day per student and the class size will be limited to 12 people. The instruction will take place at the DMS campus.

You can find more info here: <-- Hammer Here - GIClasses If you’re interested in taking some instruction from a world class instructor please consider taking the classes. They are not limited to DMS members and you’ll have to register at:

<-- Hammer Here - GIClasses.

The classes will likely fill fast.

DMS will split the tuition and costs for this event. It will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to take blacksmithing from a world expert. You can find more about Mark Aspery here:

I just put the classes up so they will take a few days to show up, but you will not be able to pay there so I’d just go here:

if you’re interested.


I signed up for one and cancelled the basket poker but I wanted to attend and observe and now it won’t let me register again as a free student. Can someone assist

Just register at <-- Hammer Here - GIClasses and you’ll be fine.

There is NO FREE student option. You cannot just watch. In order to be a part of the class you must pay $150 for the training.

You have to register at the site and pay your $150 for any class you want to be a part of.

Mark is an awesome asset to the blacksmithing community. I have two of his books.

I’ve signed up for all three classes and plan to fly back to Dallas for the events. Hope to see folks there/then.


I’m new to the group. Signed up for the 5th. What will i need to bring?

Any personal tools. We’re going to provide forges, anvils and materials. We’ll also have other tools if you don’t have them.

DMS has tools (anvils, hammers, tongs, etc). No need to go buy those just for the class.

Hands-on portion will be outside.

Wear natural fabrics (synthetics melt). Closed-toe shoes (all leather boots are best). If you have long hair, a hat, bandana, or hair tie might be warranted. Have options depending on weather (long sleeves, jacket all natural fabrics. Shorts NOT recommended, even if Texas hot).

Dragons-breath from the forge, forgescale, and dropped steel can all singe/burn fabric, so don’t wear the good stuff (think yard work, not date night :slight_smile: )

If you have a welding apron, consider bringing it. You likely won’t need gloves - we usually only use a glove when using a punch or chisel, not for general Blacksmithing.

A hat for the Sun.


Water to drink. Snacks?

A camp chair for sitting during demo/lecture.

Small notebook/pen/pencil for taking notes. I like taking step by step notes on right hand page and sketching on left side.


Cellphone camera is handy.

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Came to the place but I don’t see where I’m supposed to be. I’m in a machine shop. Lost. -new guy

Yeah… Oct, not Sept. *drops head in shame

So, when it is October, you’ll notice a large room between the Machine Shop and the garage bay doors. That’s Blacksmithing. It will probably be easier to find when it’s full of blacksmiths… :slight_smile:

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