March FiberFrolic


Quick reminder and a heads up for March’s Frolic.

It is, as usual, on the 1st Tuesday of the Month - that would be March 5, 2024.

However, I will not be there to play hostess, let non-members in, or sign folks off on the carders etc, - Sorry!

But I still wanted interested parties to have the space and time to have fibery fun.

I added a note to the calendar event listing for the March event regarding my absence, but I know not all will see that :smile:

Here’s the registration link

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What is fiber frolick?

It is a monthly “Fiber arts work night and social hangout” (from the description linked above).

Basically Knit (or crochet, spin, weave, needlepoint, etc) and chat time, aka Stitch 'n B!+(h.

(Except on occasions when I can’t be there),
I will get attendees started on knitting 101, spinning 101, or sign members off to use the spinning wheel, drum/hand carders, hackle combs, and needle felting equipment.

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