Makers Thrive/Brain Hack class or series?

Checking for interest in a class or series of classes on topics intended to help DMS members thrive in the Maker environment. Classes I am willing to offer (free!):

  • Accelerate Learning (how to absorb, use and retain new information and skills)
  • Owner’s Manual for the Brain - abridged :smile: (highlights for maximizing brain function)
  • Hacking Habits (starting and stopping habits–hows and whys)
  • Happiness Hacks (self-explanatory)

Comments and feedback appreciated.


This all sounds really Jedi. Sounds like fun.

I’ve always been interested in these types of subjects. I took lots of employee focused tests and participated in numerous programs to help develop high performance teams. In addition I studied it somewhat in my MBA program.

Let us know when you put the classes up. I would imagine that many of the members of DMS are right brained people. What do you think? I certainly am.

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The plan is to put one new class up a month, beginning in October, and let response dictate class scheduling or posting of other topics. Accelerate Learning will be the first one.

As far as right- or left-brained, I tend to see those terms as representing personality and social descriptors (creative, logical, artistic or analytical,) rather than actual “brain strengths.”
In Accelerate Learning, I’ll be focusing on the learning aspects and actions that have been supported through neuroscience and/or psychological study and testing. This class will be fun, interactive and informative…and attendees should walk away with ideas to help them get more out of other classes, workshops, experts and social gatherings at DMS.

It sounds like you are well-versed in social/interpersonal/leadership skill training and development programs. That said, I welcome ideas on what you’d like to learn or see in particular, and will appreciate feedback after the class.

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Ran across this a long while back:
“Pragmatic Thinking & Learning - Refactor Your Wetware”
Interesting read.


Hacking Habits!

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Thanks for the recommendation! Looked it up, and added it to my reading list - this is my type of read. :sunglasses:

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Thanks for your vote! Will move it up after Accelerate Learning.

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I think I briefly met you last night? I’m the grey beard that came in and talked doggies with @Sarah_Hustwit

I’m about to revamp training courses at my employer and would love to talk to you about doing it better with more brain science

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I would be happy to visit about brain/learning/habits/positive psych or related topics! Yes, I was the grey t-shirt in Linda’s Chainmail class <Thanks, Linda, for a great class😀>

I’ll try to Message you on times that may work.