Majority of the Polyprinter are not working

I am not sure if each printer that is down has has been reported yet but, as of today, Thursday 9/21 only 2 out of the 7 printers are operational.

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Hi Liam,

Thanks for the update. We’re aware of the issues (not all reported) and will try to resolve any we can. I’ve already also placed a support ticket with PolyPrinter. They are currently supper busy and the earliest I was able to get someone to come out will be the 26th. But they are fully aware of our situation and we are first on their waiting list in the rare case someone else cancels their call. Also, I’m working to try and set up a phone support situation where someone can try and help us with things that are normally beyond our skill level to fix. Please also keep in mind that we’re all volunteers as you know, and that for most of our regular maintainers there’s been a lot of life going on. But we are doing our best and apricate you reaching out to make sure we know what’s going on.



I was under the impression from times past that since we pay them for support there were SLAs involved, i.e. not a “best efforts” approach allowing them to get to us when convenient for them?


I’ll check the contract for the details, but you are correct, we have a contracted level of service.

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