Machine Shop Expansion help 10-6-19

What time should the stuff show up?

I wish I knew for sure. The supplier has to commandeer most of the material from their Ft Worth location. I think we are taking all their stock they have.


So they called me at 6:50 this morning saying that were here. He also called @richmeyer. I certainly was not expecting that. I did tell them after 9. He told me that he would likely come right after lunch time today.

So if anyone can be around to help unload that would be awesome. I am not sure if I can make it over there by the time he shows up today.

I will be working my tail off to get over there to help.

I can be there by lunch. The trick is: How will I know when they are here? Will you be able to provide them my cell number?

The material has been delivered and unloaded successfully. Rich and company are moving the pallets of stuff out of the way in preparation for Sunday now.

Just wanted to make sure nobody came up to help unload only to find out it’s been unloaded. I don’t like to waste peoples time if I can help it.


Is everything still on for tomorrow at noon?

Yes. It sure is.

First of all I want to Thank Each And Everyone who came in to help.
Those were
& a new member Troy I dont know if he has a talk handle.

Also @yashsedai for help secure the materials

From noon until 6:30 we completed the work. We hung about 600 ft of all thread rod. The center portion still needs to be fully straightened & secured.
This work from all the Volunteers saved us thousands of dollars & pushing the expansion closer to completion.


Long day - great effort by everyone … even Tim’s son was impressed into the work gang! We continually figured out how to stream line process by the end we probably were taking 1/5th the time to hang from the trusses, cross pieces and get the trays in place and bolted in.

I’d say we all had a good time doing it. May even in the near future get the airline installed into the tray so when we finally connect to the compressor - we’ll be ready to go.
We’ll be able to suspend additional lighting over the machines from the trays so area will be super well lit. A good start was made and momentum hopefully will continue going forward.


I’m hoping to get a piping estimate(amount needed) in the next few days. & then get a plan together for the Compressed air


Myself, @BobKarnaugh & @procterc finished tightening up and leveling the best we could of the cable tray.


when are we gonna have the next workday?


Are we going to be running air lines and if so, do we have everything marked

We will be running airline. Still working on getting an estimate on how much we need. I have an idea but I want to be sure on it all.

Also we will be marking the air line.

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As a starting point for some of your planning, here is the information that MS submitted for air requirements, superimposed onto what was the layout at that time.


Small squares are 5’; the slightly darker ones are 10’.

EDIT: Legend:


Thanks, where will the vacuum former end up after the expansion?

It was intended to be in the PIG SIG. I am not aware of anyone changing that plan but it’s possible.

I special 208V, 3 phase, 30 Amp, outlet is being planned for installation in the Plastic SIG area up against the wall. Let me know real soon, like in 2 days, if the plans have been changed. The new drawings are about to be released to the City for their approval cycle.

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I love that name. We need to have a design contest for the logo sign when can hang from the ceiling above.

I so want a shirt “I’m a PIG”

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What about “I’m in the PIG SIG”