I don’t teach in the machine shop, but I’ve taken classes
You’ll need to take a class for each training required machine the in shop. There are some non-training required machines that you can just use (I believe Drill press and band saw?) and some that require a quick “how-to” training (such as the aluminum saw and cold cut saw).
Specifically, the lathe and the bridgeport have a few hour long class with a classroom and practical portion.
No, we currently dont have a 101. However we do have Bridgeport & Colchester classes, but I do not see any on the calendar currently. The Lathe is in the process of getting a quicker class online to streamline the process. We only have a few volunteers that teach either of them. Keep in mind we are not teaching machining, just how to safely use our equipment.
If you need how-to information on machining, the MIT instructional videos are fabulous. They are linked from the Machine Shop committee page on the wiki.