Machine Shop 101?

Is there a machine shop 101 course like the woodshop 101 course to get cleared to use all of the machines in the machine shop?

I’m really interested in learning to use the Bridgeport and the metal lathes, but I don’t see anything in the events calendar.

If somebody would teach me I’d be happy to help out with a 101 course to help get others going as well.

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I don’t teach in the machine shop, but I’ve taken classes :slight_smile:

You’ll need to take a class for each training required machine the in shop. There are some non-training required machines that you can just use (I believe Drill press and band saw?) and some that require a quick “how-to” training (such as the aluminum saw and cold cut saw).

Specifically, the lathe and the bridgeport have a few hour long class with a classroom and practical portion.

I’ll resume teaching Bridgeport and Sherline Mill in September.


No, we currently dont have a 101. However we do have Bridgeport & Colchester classes, but I do not see any on the calendar currently. The Lathe is in the process of getting a quicker class online to streamline the process. We only have a few volunteers that teach either of them. Keep in mind we are not teaching machining, just how to safely use our equipment.



If you need how-to information on machining, the MIT instructional videos are fabulous. They are linked from the Machine Shop committee page on the wiki.


I am very interested in that class as well.

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