Machine Labels and Warnings

I went to a great 101 class today (thank you Tom!) but having worked at safety sensitive companies for so long, I admit I cringed at the faded warning signs written on blue painter’s tape.

Who can I talk to about volunteering to make new signs/labels? I’m thinking I would:

  1. use my label makers to make labels with the exact same messages,
  2. remove the existing adhesive,
  3. scrub with alcohol wipe,
  4. Apply new label, and
  5. Cover with clear packing tape for longevity and protection from fading.

Sorry for being OCD. :grimacing:



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We have a Brother label printer in the community room connected to the PC near the infrastructure office if that’s of use.

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So you think it’s okay for me to do? I realize I’m being super presumptuous so I just wanted to make sure I obtained “permission” if that’s necessary. Thank you for your thoughts and suggestion!

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We have had a “doacracy” attitude at DMS for years. I’d say just do it. I appreciate the willingness to make a difference. I would, however, let the committee chair know of your intentions. if it is in the woodshop that is @IanLee


No rush so please wait a bit for @IanLee to chime in however I’d be surprised if folks think this is a bad idea. We take safety seriously at DMS and for you to volunteer to improve it by updating those signs is much appreciated, even if it were to be shot down. Keep coming with the ideas and especially a willingness to help out!


I think this is a great idea and if you are willing to put your time into this, I’ll help you any way I can.

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Thanks for being willing to help! We have another member who is also interested in taking this initiative on, I will connect you two in DMs so we can get this project moving. Thanks again!


Sounds awesome because little things like that irk my OCD as well.

One caveat though, is that clear packing tape, while somewhat plentiful and cheap, does age, get brittle, cracks and yellows over time. Mainly due to UV/heat exposure over months if not years, so not as likely to be a significant problem in a wood shop, but I would still recommend clear, permanent adhesive vinyl (such as Siser or Oracal 651) over packing tape. We may likely already have some in Creative Arts. Might need their chair to authorize its use for this (to avoid having to purchase yourself)

Just my two drachmas.


Generally speaking, I don’t think we order clear. Not saying that there might not be some back there, but I’m only ordering black and white.

I’d suggest to the folks who want to proceed on this that they do so and not allow ‘perfect’ to get in the way of ‘done’. Save the label files so we can reprint them later if they turn yellow or otherwise become low quality. For now, new labels and tape will be a whole lot better than what we have.