Hi everyone,
I have a friend that is having to take down a large burr oak tree on her property and is looking for any leads on a lumber mill that might want the wood. It will be a massive undertaking as this tree is probably 60-70 feet tall and is about 5-6 feet in diameter at the base.
Any suggestions or leads will be greatly appreciated!
I have a friend who has a sawmill in Quinlan and takes away trees once they are felled. If it was on the ground he might take it. He won’t fell it is the liability is way too much. He has a trailer that is 20’ and will haul 30,000 pounds. He does not pay for wood but it would save the person felling a bunch of money by not having to pay to take it to the dump.
thanks @jeffbob! If you want to PM me the contact info I will pass it along and can answer questions that he might have. 20’ and 30,000 pounds would have him making several trips since just the one limb that fell on the house was much longer and weighed a little over 13k pounds according to the crane operator. It’s a BIG tree 
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