You can see which tool certifications are recorded for you using one of the specially configured kiosks in the Common Room, or remotely from Maker Manager at this link.
We call this “AD Groups”. If you are a “member of the AD Group” then you have that specific “certification”. Frequently some of these are required as prerequisites for additional classes.
(This information is also repeated in the New Member 411).
Missing/Incorrect Groups:
- Go to the Issues & Requests category and create a “New Topic”. (No access? Go to Green Dot Access category and request access.).
- Provide the following information:
Title: Something like: Sewing Group - Smith - 5/23/19
1. Affected Tool or Resource: Name of the Group you need to be added to
2. Committee/Group who handles this: @yashsedai, @hon1nbo
3. Details:- Your first and last name (not your Talk ID)
- Date on which you took the class
- Name of the instructor (and his/her TalkID if you know it)
You should be able to look up the class details with the “My account” section of the calendar.