I’m looking for logs 12"- 16" in diameter, 1.5 to 4 feet long. I am especially interested in crotch pieces (where a trunk split into two roughly equal size branches).
Trees: Mostly interested in Box Elder, Buckeye, Catalpa, Honey Locust, Black Locust, Lace Bark Elm, Honey Mesquite, Sweet Gum, Sycamore, Willow, any fruit trees (apple, plum, crabapple, etc) and any other of the less common landscape trees.
Unfortunately, mostly what you’ll find on the curb are oak, pine,pecan and the occasional sycamore. A while back, @PearceDunlap gave some of us some nice hackberry, too. You’ll also occasionally find Arizona ash because a lot builders like them since they grow quite fast. I have a friend who used to go to south texas and harvest msquite. See this thread: Mesquite Wood Anyone? - #8 by jeffbob
You can contact him here:
Jeff Whitcomb
2100 Bowling Green
Denton, TX 76201
cell-9 oh 3-2 oh 3-9 fore 63
There are a couple of wood turning clubs in the area. They occasionally have some nice bowl quality trees. occasionally. If you’re a serious turner they are excellent to be members of. Here’s the one I was a member fo for a number of years. (I’m not anymore as my new interest is blacksmithing):