Looking for CNC guidance

If I’m not posting this in the correct place, disregard and please accept my apologies.

Brand new to makerspace. Some 3d printing and CAD knowledge, looking to expore CNC machining & lathe. I have a specific project that I’ve been building with carbon fiber composite but now realizing a few structural parts will need to be made out of aluminum. The CAM/tool path process is where I begin to become lost… any guidance would be much appreciated.

Welcome to DMS!

First, since I see that you’re a member, I gave you the famous green dot signifying that you’re a member. More significantly, it gives you access to the remaining 95% of the TALK forum.

Since it sounds like you’re interested in CNC primarily for machining, I’m going to move your post into the Machine Shop category.

If you haven’t taken the class to be certified on the HAAS that’s a good place to start if you’re needing to do large metal pieces and if you need further help the teacher of that class would probably be a good resource. Or you can start small with the shapeoko 2 class, which teaches you to use “Easel” a cloud based program for creating cnc models. It’s very user friendly along the lines of tinkercad. Just from my sand speck of knowledge on cad and cam is you have to kind of reverse your thinking since cnc subtracts material instead of building. It’s a bit more math and measurement iirc as well. Um @EthanWestern or @nicksilva am I pointing them the general direction?

Thank yall for the responses, truly appreciated. Ill be signing up for the next available mentioned classes.

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Please bear in mind that these classes aren’t going to teach you how to be a machinist. You need some machining knowledge to be able to adequately program or use a CNC mill or lathe.

Check out the Machine shop wiki page. In section 9.10 on External sites, it will point you to the MIT series of machining videos. These are the gold standard of introductory machining knowledge.


I always forget you are a machinist because in my mind you command an army of itty bitty gnomes to help make your pieces.

Hahaha! I am not a machinist. I wish! I can almost spell it, however …

Chris, did you unilaterally do that without board approval? :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

Nicksilva is no longer teaching in protest to recent events. Contact the chair of the committee or one of the DMS agitators to teach a class

Understood. The parts I’m needing to make are palm size 6061 aluminum, 1.5in rod. Nothing big.
Thank you for the wiki link.
I look forward to meeting yall.