Looking for a last minute DFplayer and 3 8-bit Counter Shift Registers

I have a project with a pretty hard deadline next week and the parts will be coming in from amazon this weekend. I’m really hoping to get this done before then. Does anyone have any of these components that they are willing to sell or know of a place that has them?

Mouser is your best bet.

DFPlayer is in stock. Not sure what a counter shift register is, but I expect they have that too. ( They have several TTL LS and CMOS 8 bit shift registers listed ).

I concur on Mouser. If you’re willing to make the drive to Mansfield, you can have stuff same-day (call to make sure will-call is still available). If not, they ship UPS and in DFW you’ll have it next-day.

I have exactly one each of 74HC164 and 74HC165. I know I also have at least one 74HC595 and possibly have a couple more at the office. If any of these parts help you, you’re welcome to them.

Try MicroCenter in Richardson?

MicroCenter isn’t great for ICs. They might have a few dev boards for really popular ones but I doubt they have shift registers. Worth a search on their web site though.

Altex also has some aging stock but I think it’s not replaced as it’s depleted