This highlights the heroes that are keeping our rights intact. Freedom requires vigilance from those wishing to take them away.
That is an interesting situation,
I never dug deep during the ammo scare days of Obama. But, I don’t find it surprising that there would be attempts made to go after ammunition. That all said, this article is very light on details and will more likely be slammed a conspiracy theory at this point. I wonder if the use of the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) will turn up any details. Odds are we will not hear anything till this is such old news that it just doesn’t matter anymore. As that is how I’ve noticed most of the FOIA filing end up.
The Feds got weaponized in the Obama Admin to such a high extent that there are all these little battles to be fought all over the place that we, joe citizen, aren’t privy too unless you have an ear to those folks fighting them. The nature of bureaucratic fascist crooks are to control you. If a person can understand that and realize they are not here to help us, then clarity is the result.
Remember what all the “Fast and Furious” scandal was all about?
I’d love to know what causing a .22 shortage gained anyone, other than companies like cci being able to double their prices. The 5.56 and .223 shortage was short lived and caused by unnecessary panic just like the recent gas shortage.