Life Drawing ? Sun Sep 1 3pm — 6pm

I am curious as to what human anatomy class is about and how it fits within the kid friendly environment of maker space. Like If i am their i should direct kids away from the class room. or is this special and the doors will be temporary locked so someone will not mistakenly open it up and a “oh oh oh dear bob my eyes” event will happen.

The doors are usually closed and there is a sign indicating that a nude model is being used if that is the case. It is my understanding that the models are not always nude.

Also, I wouldn’t necessarily consider DMS “kid-friendly” as there is a chaperone requirement for any children in the Makerspace. There are some classes that welcome children if the instructor okays it, and there are very occasionally classes that are aimed at kids, but even then there is a chaperone requirement.


Well i find this funny. that is all.

IIRC in the past there has always been an age 18 requirement for signing up and I’ve seen signage posted on the closed door stating a nude art session is progress. It wouldn’t be something one accidentally walks into.

Honestly, it’s pretty similar to welding classes. You have to be an adult to sign up or show up, and we pull the curtains for fear you’d see something you’d regret lol.


No, No i took a drawing from nude class… Well the first couple of days… I am just normal people to be drawn… like three toothed waffle house attendant or the fairly rotund trucker. You know drawing from real like and not a barbie doll house. I think if we took off our cloths we horrify each other… Dude if i draw nakedness i just put it on deviant art. Sorry i trust anonymity, not you guys.

It has been said loyalty makes a person attractive… and beauty is deceptive. So do not deceive yourself, everyone has some form of worth and beauty. Encourage it and there will be more beauty. Discourage it and there will more hate and ugliness. It is but an observation.