When Thu Aug 9 3:30pm — 5:15pm
Where Interactive Classroom
1825 Monetary Ln #104 Carrollton, TX 75006
What Get qualified!
Host Francesca Lisenby
About this Event
Come on down and lets get you qualified on the leatherworking cabinet! I’ll teach you how to not cut your fingers off, blunt our tools, or break stuff! We’ll also go over a few basics like types of leather, how to use the weirder tools, et cetera.
If you are looking to learn about leatherworking, get some practical tips, and have a captive audience to ask your questions, this is the class for you.
This class is not a practical application class, it’s a sit and take notes kind of class, but it’s important! I promise to make it as amusing as possible.
Syllabus(AKA what we’ll go over):
Type of leather
Weight and cut of leather
Grades of leather
Basic tools needed in most leatherworking
Stitching tools
Tool safety and conservation