Learning NodeJS: CNCJS programming and recompiling

I need to recompile and run a new version of CNCJS. As my current install, seemingly has issue with my cnc firmware. I also have to extend the service via a pluggin of sorts. I don’t usually use Javascript or NodeJS. I am a programmer, but I am experiencing some programmers burn out. I am looking for some help.


What intend to do myself.
Do we have an extra PI? Do we have someway for me to work to earn(side job with a maker) a pi. maybe Plastic or electronics (via. Art) or wood shop could use a copy.

If you aren’t using it, grab Microsoft VSC and turn on Co-pilot. That will provide you more help than you will receive here. Also most groups have moved to Typescript instead of straight ES6.

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Ok So visual code studio then turn on copilot? I can understand you want typescript, but I would like to separate client and server side. So i would like to learn Node Js. I take it you find Javascript and NodeJs is inferior to typescript? I already have books on javascript and NodeJS.

Totally different and yet complimentary. You might be best served by watching some basic on-line tutorials and working your way up. I have no idea what best fits your needs, but you will figure it out soon enough.

I am looking at specific subject. NodeJS. And i was looking to interact in person.

What i am getting from this interaction is that no one deals with this subject NODE.JS and people are too preoccupied to meet in person.

I have an investment in this engraver. With this raspberry pi.

I went down that rabbit hole a several years back for a couple of client projects. For JS/Node study buddies I expect you will need to cast a much wider net than DMS. Again, most firms have moved to Typescript instead of raw JS. You might want to Google Typescript and use it as a starting point for your quest.

I google typescript cnc client that did not help me. I don’t see how typescript is going to help me? with my cnc server needs.

I have never heard of a typescript cnc client before. Sounds like you are pretty new at this type of programming. Node isn’t exactly very forgiving, so have fun. BTW, this is a link for more Typescript info.

I may have missed something obvious in this thread but as someone who has used CNCJS I wanted to point out you don’t need a PI for it; it’s Windows/Mac/Linux/Pi software. Releases · cncjs/cncjs · GitHub