Lay out for Expansion discussion

I was hoping to post two different layouts and see what people liked or disliked about them. I asked the previous Vice Chair of 3D Fab to provide the layout but still have not received the any information from him. Without this information I started from scratch with the input from the previous chair and a few other committee members. The spreadsheet attached is the Estimated Cost to do this layout. The design is done so that all trained members can access a printer freely, the only spot I’m not sure about is the room between the groups of tables in the middle and the tables holding the printers. Everything in blue is what we currently own; however the chairs and stools will be new purchases. The tables holding the design computers are at chair height and the carts in front of the 3D printers are actually under the tables holding the printers.

@maxk68 please get me the layout that was previously done so I can add it here.

Thank you

Please let me know what you think so we can make this space better then before. 3D Fab Area Plan v2.pdf (70.2 KB)



Awesome. Love the layout. Very open.

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Yes, looks great. Love having ample work table space.

I like the layout! We should look into adding ceiling mounted power drops above the work tables.

Edit: nevermind I just saw the power layout…

I must be blind. What power layout?

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Is it possible to have the 3D scanner share the table with the Delta printer? Vibration problems?

Can we put the Form 2 resin printer where it says “3D scanner” and the wash and curing machines on that table?

My concern is that table space is needed to get the resin tank in and out of the cardboard storage box. Also, having the Form 2 right next to the resin storage cabinet is an obvious Good Thing™. Furthermore, I hope we may get a second resin printer in the future.

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Bill it’s in the pdf I attached. I added it to the rest of the drawings on here


there is actually more room on the tables where all the printers are then shown because the LCD touch screens will go in front of the printers rather then next to them

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So the way the front of the PolyPrinter enclosures opens will be able to clear the LCD screens in front of them?

yes it will clear one of the things i made sure would work

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