Lathe/Mill unit for home

I’ve been looking to setup a home lathe and mill.

My goal is to be able to thread barrels and do basic work at home for stuff I can’t do at the makerspace (like work on my old firearms they don’t make parts for anymore, or turn down custom cartridge casings for antique ammo).


  • either a long bed with a tailstock to put a live center (I’d say 28" for that) or a chuck bore that’s wide enough I could feed a barrel through
  • run on 120v power
  • movable with a pallet jack, heavy cart, or similar.

This Grizzly seems like it would have been perfect if the chuck bore was just a bit bigger:

Anyone got any recommendations? @TBJK I know there was a brand I hadn’t heard of you were looking at but I forgot to write it down.

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if you’re looking at combos here’s what google came up with:
lathe mill combos
Enco also makes one and Smithy makes several.