Lathe Class on lidded boxes

@ashleyjohnson I added you to my unofficial list as Alternate #2. There are often last-minute cancellations due to life making other plans so you might consider being in the area just in case.

Unfortunately Iā€™ve had some travel plans pop up and I wonā€™t be able to make the class on the 23rd :disappointed:. I really hope this will be a repeating class, Iā€™d still love to attend.


Add mblatz to that list please

Class is now posted out on DMS Event Calendar and meet-up. Iā€™ve signed up for it as I have been putting in the time and diligently checking back on a regular basisā€¦the way sign-ups are supposed to happen. Making a list here in Talk forums is not the accepted norm/status quo. I suggest those still interested get out to the calendar and follow the standard procedure for signing up for a classā€¦

I signed up on meetup as well as here, but I think itā€™s ultimately up to the teacher to manage the class and those that attend, not the calendarā€¦

@mblatz IMHO your approach is not a good example of being excellent to each other.

I am opting out of the class. @coloneldan since you were the first to express interest, but are not yet on the Meetup signup, let me know when you are ready and I will swap my space in Meetup with yours.

Mike C

*corrected EventBrite to Meetup

I feel like I should be the one to swap, as I was listed as first alternate. I signed up because someone in front of me canceled. Since others decided to steal a spot in line, that is no longer the case. Let me know. Also, isnā€™t this in meetup and not eventbrite? If not I may not have a place to swap anyway :wink:

Yeah, Meetup. Will correct. I will not be attending.

You are welcome to your opinion, of course, but for the record I certainly donā€™t consider you the final word on being excellent. Maybe next time donā€™t take it upon yourself to create an unofficial, unapproved sign-up list when in all cases before now, Eventbrite and Meet-up are how signups are managedā€¦for good reason.

What would you say to people that arenā€™t registered on the forums or were otherwise unaware of the particular discussion,but went ahead, as per status quo, and signed up from the Event Calendar? Or what would you say if a second discussion thread existed for some reason, maybe on Google Hangouts, where people were expressing interest and someone else generated a second unofficial and approved sign-up list?

In other words, by stepping outside the status quo and creating your own process/list without asking anyone at all if it was OK, how was what you did excellent?

No one stole anything. There was no line, only the appearance of one. What happened here on this thread isnā€™t considered signing up and never has been. It was expressing interest in signing up. An unofficial and unapproved list was created for some unknown reason as a result of those expressing interest on this Talk forum thread. Were this the status quo, that would be great, but it is not. It probably is not the status quo because it wouldnā€™t be fair to people that arenā€™t registered on the forums or were otherwise unaware of this particular discussion. Or because there may be two or more discussions where people were expressing interest and two or more lists might arise. Orā€¦I could go on, but why. There is, and should be, only one official sign-up list.

It was pretty obvious that the attendees for this class had been established. You may not see it this way, but the general consensus is that you are not being excellent.

Marshall is correct that the meetup signups is the official method for registering for this class. Letā€™s not get upset with each other. I will add a second class now so we can ensure everyone gets an opportunity to attend. The date will be the following Thursday, June 30th. This is going to be a fun and informative class. If someone can bring a chuck, or get the adapter off one of mine, we can have 5 students and use all the lathes.

I did not select eventbrite when submitting since I have no idea how to deal with that so I hope it is not even an option.

I caused the issue here by posting this thread before it showed up on the calendar. I did not expect the long delay for approval and posting and should have waited. I hope the new class submission process will lead to more efficient methods for approvals and posting in the future but this is what we have for now.

I appreciate everyones effort in trying to help organize this for me, I really do! I have met most of you and know that being excellent to each other is always the case. Talking through things on a forum always seems to give unintended impressions versus face to face. The last thing I want is for this to put people against each other because I jumped the gun in my own excitement to get something going.


Speaking only for myself (as always), I am sorry for any hurt feelings I may have caused, but be assured I felt I was acting in good faith by following an accepted, long standing procedure as opposed to acting ā€œnot excellentā€, the opinions of a some here notwithstanding.

I am happy to discuss this with Mike (@HankCowdog) or Ryan (@rshill) offline; we have a nascent Mediation Committee just aborning, I thinkā€¦Iā€™d be happy to be their guinea pig!

But either way, I look forward to a fun and interesting class, and hopefully many more, from Matt.

Ok. So my feelings on this are that the scheduling, posting, meetup, eventbrite process is a little out of whack right now. I had a class delayed posting on the calendar, too which caused me to cancel the class for lack of participants in part due to the delay.

I expressed interest in the class on the thread because there was no alternative. I check the event calendar daily for the class but didnā€™t see it until after others had jumped in.

I love Mattā€™s classes. I already bought wood for this class. I also have a G3 chuck I can bring to the class so maybe five in the class is the solution.

I cannot take the class on the 30th though as I have a conflict then. I am not going to get my ā€œpantie in a wadā€ over a class though. Matt please let me know what you want me to do.


I think I am also going to invest in my own chuck system (this one?) and bring it/donate it. I may not be able to get through the decision process in timeā€¦itā€™s kind of a high involvement process for me at the moment.

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Make sure you get a spindle thread size for our lathes. That one is treaded for M40x2 which will not fit any lathe in the US. The large powermatic is 1 1/4"x8TPI and all the others at the space are 1"x8TPI.

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Does anyone know of another source for this spindle adapter ? If so, send me a link and I will purchase and donate to the wood shop. That way we only buy one type of chuck!

Craft Supplies USA has them and Woodworking Emporium has them.

I would, however, recommend buying at least one large chuck specificlly for the Powermatic. As woodturners we always seem to want to turn the biggest any lathe will hold. The larger chucks without the adapter are best suited for that task. I already submitted the request for the adapter and 3 additional chucks. 2 that match the Oneway Talon we have and 1 large Oneway stronghold for the Powermatic. This is a fairly expensive chuck but it will withstand the abuse we put it through and jaws are readily available locally if someone wants to buy their own jaws. In addition I provided a source who will give us a good discount on these.

Andrew and I spoke about that request and I hope to have these or a cheaper option purchased in the not so distant future. Woodshop has lots of needs and we can survive without for a while if need be.

I know many turners who use the kit chucks with no issues. I would think that if you stay away from their maximum rated weight and diameter they will be fine.

I also think more classes on the lathes will help this cause.

I will also say that I suffer from good tool syndrome. I have always followed the old saying buy the best you can afford. This sickness often skews my view towards buying bigger or better just in case. I own at least 8 chucks and I do not dare use the cheaper ones when I need to turn something precise. I do use them all the time though, just not to make a 15" long tulip with an 1/8" stem.


FWIW, the DMS rules cover the scheduling of events on the calendar (to prevent overbooking of classrooms/work spaces) but donā€™t cover the individual attendee signups. The event organizer is free to use whichever method theyā€™d like to signup attendees. @mblatz posted at link to the Events Rules and Policies for those who care:

There are additional rules regarding getting paid an Honorarium for teaching a class (mostly dealing with approval and timeliness), but again, nothing regarding the ā€œofficialā€ way for signing up for a class (since there isnā€™t one).

Iā€™ve been a member of the DMS for over 4 years and in that time Iā€™ve seen MANY methods used for signing up for an event.

  • Sometimes the organizer would post their email address for contacting them directly.

  • Meetup is often used to broadcast an event to a wide audience, especially when desiring to draw in non-members for a large event.

  • EventBrite is often used when a fee is charged to take the class and supplies need to be purchased ahead of time, though they are sometimes slow to pay and take a chunk for managing that process.

  • Sometimes a signup list printed a posted on a door at the DMS

  • Sometimes the DMS Talk is used

  • Sometimes a show of hands at a member meeting was all that was needed to fill a class/event

IMHO any of these are acceptable because they all (except perhaps the last) support determining a sequence of whoā€™s interested. The problem occurred here because @mkart assumed the calendar/MeetUp listing would be approved and appear promptly, and it didnā€™t.

Iā€™m stepping out so @coloneldan can attend since he was obviously ahead of me in line and canā€™t attend on the 30th.

I want to thank you @HankCowdog for the gracious offer. I appreciate very much the ā€œexcellenceā€ in this gesture. I try to be excellent to others, too. In fact, the best part of being at DMS is the excellence in character that we value. I know conflicts do arise but it is how we resolve these that sets us apart as an excellent organization.

If I were able to attend on the 30th I would have happily re-scheduled to take the class then.

Thanks Mike for allowing me to take the class on the 23rd.

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