Last PR Meeting 4/20

Just as a short update about our PR Meeting last night. We’re trying to get all of our current stuff redesigned with the logo that was voted on. This is going to take a while though and the committee decided we would just give out what we have now and any future printings will have the correct logo.

So it’s tour night tonight (come out and give some tours!!) and any new members will be getting the new member handbooks with the incorrect logo. They’ll also just be free for anyone to take and if you have suggestions/edits email [email protected] because a reprint will be coming soon.

So if you see them out and about, it’s not meant as any slight. We’re working on it.

Also we had a great turnout for the meeting! Thanks to everyone who came out! Remember that we’re having an Annual Open House planning meeting on 4/30 and 4:30. Come join in!

(@themitch22 just said he’s going to take a stab at replacing the covers so that might happen)


Any decision on all content made for / by PR in the future requiring being licensed CC BY?

I’m for this actually. That would give us a lot of transparency with what PR produces and make it much easier for future members to get involved. I don’t think we will have too many makerspaces trying to “steal” our content but at least if they provide attribution.

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I just don’t know what would be a good way to implement this. Ideas? Are we getting everyone in PR to sign something? How can we best keep track of it?

If my flight gets me home in time I will be there for both the electronics swap and sale and the potluck.

Would like to chat a bit and see more of what’s happening in PR. I work in product management/marketing for a living.

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I think any future publications would be posted with the CC license. Similar to how Wikipedia lists it’s images and content maybe. I think this way it’s not an issue with ownership. Although I’m not a lawyer, but we have lawyers at the space.

Just add a section to the PR committee wiki called rules saying

  1. All content submitted to or generated by the PR committee will be licensed CC BY
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That PR committee wiki page is really out of date.

Not to be pedantic, but…
Well, yeah, I guess I’m going to be.
Anything published to “the wiki” ( , etc.) is, by default, published under “Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported”, (which links to Deed - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported - Creative Commons ). Thus, the logos published at Logo - Dallas Makerspace are, as it it not noted otherwise, already covered by “Creative Commons”. I would think “copyleft” type would be better, but until I publish something, think I have no place “vote”.

Indeed. As are the “minutes” page for the meetings, etc.

You guys looking at this page?

That would only cover posted to the wiki, the goal of the PR chair adding this rule is to prevent someone doing some design work for PR, letting people believe they could use said work for DMS, but then later threatening to sue DMS unless we stop using their work saying they retained copyright and didn’t give permission to share or adapt their work.

I think just the PR chair saying it is the policy of PR to only accept stuff under a free or copyleft license would prevent that scenario.


Nope I just searched and got this page Category:Public Relations - Dallas Makerspace

Only thing to change would be the forum, I can update that.

Yes. It’s the one linked off the main page under “committees”.
For what this is worth, in case anyone is reading Brandon’s post as I first did, he is suggesting posting to the wiki that it’s covered by the CC, etc. and whatnot.
I read it has he HAD POSTED to the wiki. But he has not. :smiley:
Just in case anyone else reads it like I did…

That page is also waaay out of date. Last update was 2012…