Lasersaur software or IP address

I’m at the space and trying to use the lasersaur. Looks like either the computer or the OS has been upgraded and I can’t find the link to open the software for the lasersaur. Seems like I recall that it was a web based Application??

Can anyone provide please?

The previous version of the software did something vaguely clever-ish like map the hostname to the MAC address of the lasersaur controller in the windows hosts file, however I am not sure how the current version works. The 'saur wiki page does not appear to be particularly up to date, with all but the two most recent (minor) edits occurring in 2015.

@Team_Laser might want to assist.

found it. It’s called ‘diverboardapp’ sitting on the desktop. Runs a script that seems to fail the first time you run it (for me at least).

The URL is to the localhost so either of these should work directly in the browser.


I added all of your information above to the wiki, but could you please recheck the name of the app? It strikes me as odd that the name is diverboard (like a diving board?) I wondered if it was driverboardapp instead … but I’m just speculating here.

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