[LASERS DOWN] Maintenance Day + Committee Meeting, Sunday, July 1st, 2018, 11a - 2p


From @Scott_Blevins on Discord:

Clears his 3rd person speaking voice

“Scott doesn’t just ‘say’ he’s making Cuban sandwiches for the July 1 Laser Maintenance Day Team, he’s actually smoking 8 lbs. of pork shoulder over hickory, cherry and apple wood for 16 hours and he’s pre-ordering authentic handmade Cuban bread from a local Cuban bakery in Carrollton.” ~Nuff Said

I suspect a coup afoot.


Winning hearts and minds, one sandwich at a time.


I have temporarily pinned this announcement to the top of the laser category. Middle of next week I will pin it globally and if I remember, I will put a reminder banner on the cameras page.

As always, please post when the maintenance is complete so I may remove those reminders.

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I for one welcome our new meat-bearing overlords.

Seriously though, the other day at work I smelled BBQ sauce and had a flashback to Scott’s brisket and I just kinda stood there drooling on myself.


Hey all, I am sorry but I will be out of town for a week or more starting next Saturday. I’m having to goto Az to visit my mother and help her with some health issues etc.

I’d still like to donate some money to the sandwich cause so just shoot me a note to who it should goto.

Thank you

gently nudges @Team_Laser

<umph><rolls over><hits snooze button><goes back to sleep>


I hope to make it to one of these again someday! Maybe August! :smile:


Dear @Team_Laser,

It’s Saturday morning: I’ve just brined and seasoned a 10 lb. whole pork shoulder overnight in classic Cuban mojo seasonings

8:30am: Into the smoker it goes. An 18 hour bbq marathon has just begun.

Why, you may ask?

Because Team Laser deserves the very best for those who come to Laser Committee Meeting and Laser Maintenance Day tomorrow! Lovingly crafted homemade Cuban sandwiches for everyone who shows up to 11:00am Laser Committee Meeting and stays to help maintain the lasers afterward.

Later I’m off to Carrollton to pick up my Cuban bread order from a renowned Cuban bakery…


@NickWebb will be there. Son, you are working for that food…


  1. Brainstorming ideas for managing queue over the winter holiday period.
  2. Big Thunder’s bed. Does it need replacement?
  3. @StanSimmons or @denzuko, please attend and give us updates on our Infrastructure issues.

Throw some agenda items my way.


I would like to raise this question: DIY/Homemade CerMark Alternative - #4 by John_Marlow

Is it OK to laser zinc powder?

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show up and you’ve got the floor


Meeting Minutes



Thanks for posting the notes!

Curious what the parts washer and sand blaster have to do with laser? Could follow what that item meant.


I believe we were talking about cleaning the vector grids in a way that is more excellent to our neighbors in automotive and metal shop

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