Laserable rubber continued

Continuing the discussion from New Laser Cutter:

Just got some low-odor rubber from laserbits. I have to say I give it good marks. I ran a test to get my power and speed dialed in. In short, this is 50 watts of power at 25% of my max speed (120 ipm) which was the recommendation from ULS.

The depth is 5/64" at this power which is sufficient for a rubber stamp. There is no odor to speak of. It all vented outside nicely. When I open up the door I can smell some burnt rubber, but it’s not a lot. there is chalky residue left after the engraving but it will wash right out.

SO - I say this is good stuff to use at DMS. No mess, no stickyness, no smell. Comes in a 9x12 sheet. It would probably be a good choice for use on the zing. Cheers!

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OH I FORGOT. I did try vector cutting this stuff which is the dark line to the left of the letters. 4 passes at 50 watts and it did not cut thru. But the cut line is a sufficient guide to come back with scissors or a knife to separate it from the sheet.

Interesting test. Thanks for testing this and posting the results.

I have bought several things from Laserbits and always found them to reputable and their stuff to be “as advertised”. They are a good supply house for laser-related supplies.

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@nicksilva I am surprised it did not cut thru. the Zing does have several Stamp related features, like shoulder cuts(?)?. I wonder what they do.

@John_Marlow I’ll add laserbits to the documentation. thanks

it supposedly flares out a bit when create a shoulder. same on ULS. overall it worked out fine. here are are few 2.5" stamps cut out of it.