Laser Training

Is there anything going on tonight or tomorrow? I feel like I’ve heard that it is, or was, provided bi-weekly on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Is this correct?

Laser training used to be provided bi-weekly on Thursday. It’s all volunteer, so as volunteers have time and inclination, they hold classes.

Ok cool. That’s what my understanding was. Is there a “calendar?” I’m new (obviously) and I can’t seem to find a calendar to see when classes are available.

The calendar is on the main Dallas Makerspace web page, under “Events.”

Perfect. Thank you very much.

My classes for the next two weeks still do not show on the calendar. It usually takes a few days for them to show up; I’m hoping they will be there by Friday.

Ok cool. I’m looking through the calendar and I didn’t see anything for laser training. Is this correct? When would your classes be if you don’t mind me asking?

August 22. I think I put it down for 4:30 P.M. I’m teaching a class on laser theory at 3:30 P.M. Or, maybe I have the times reversed.

Awesome. I’ll be there. Is there anything sooner? I have a client who is wanting a logo on a prototype product and wanted to get trained asap.

What would you suggest?

I hope to be at the Space either tonight or tomorrow. If you see me there and I’m not doing something else, I could teach a class. The class isn’t intended to teach you all about using the laser cutter; it’s intended to warn you of what not to do when you are using it.

I don’t know what anyone else might be doing as far as teaching the class.

I’d be happy to meet you there tonight or tomorrow if possible to learn how to use the laser.

I want to respect your time though and understand you may have prior commitments, it would just be a big help. I can pick up food if you’d like.

I’ll try to get there as soon after work tonight as I can, sometime between 6:30 and 7. We can have a class then, for anyone who is interested.

Perfect! Thank you so much Opcode. Would you like me to pick you up something to eat since you’ll be coming straight from work? If so, what would you like.

I would appreciate that. Fried chicken or a sandwich would be fine; pretty much anything that isn’t pork works for me.

Absolutely. What would you like me to come prepared with for the class (i.e., image in a particular file on flashdrive, wood, etc.)?

I won’t be teaching you how to use those things, but you might want to bring them to try out the system. You will find that using the laser cutter is a trial-and-error process.

Other than that, you might want to write down some notes.

Hello OpCode,

Are you available for training prior to the 22nd again. Same offer as Lhatteberg, will provide food. :smile: