Laser Training

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I noticed this as well, I’ll try and workout a way to teach laser classes on Thursday nights either weekly or bi-weekly to fill the void.

Given the open house and the crowds it brings through, do you think Thursdays would be a good day for this?

It has been in the past, new members tend to show on Thursdays and they are often the ones in need of laser training.

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I’ve been wanting to teach a laser training class that covers the new Lasersaur but there have been some delays. In particular there’s insufficient power in that area of the building to run more than one laser. An electrician is there this week installing new circuits so both lasers can be used concurrently. When that work is complete expect a class for the Lasersaur to be scheduled.

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Check with @StanSimmons to confirm, but I think I saw it’s complete.

Much appreciated Nick and Luke! I’ve been hoping for a refresher laser class for a couple weeks myself, and am very much looking forward to learning about the Lasersaur too!

Thursdays aren’t always the best for me, but I’ll do what I can to rearrange schedules for whatever classes you may be able to offer.

Yes, the power is complete. There is a 30A 208v and a quad 20A 120v circuit that is now hot.

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I put in a calendar request for a laser training class at 8 PM on Wednesday. I’ll cover both the Lasersaur and the Full Spectrum Laser machines.


That would be very interesting! I’m not sure I could make it, but I’d love to see a demonstration of the new Lasersaurus.

Neat. I’m on board if we’re talking about this Wednesday (tomorrow).

Luke Olson is teaching a class on the Lasersaur next Wednesday, July 1, at 8:00 PM. @lukeiamyourfather

I will be there tonight for the training.

I should be there too, though there’s a chance I may be late.

So, are there training classes for the new laser, or do we just wing it?

I spoke with someone in the space and they said they had used the new laser, but that they hadn’t been trained on it and they just muddled through it…

There are new classes… but if you want, get someone from the committee to
watch you for your first cut on the new machine.

But please read the manual first. It is online.

@lukeiamyourfather or @Nick Will there be a Laser 101 Training this month? Thank you!

Wednesday July 15th at 8PM.


Thank you! There will be 3 of us in attendance.

I’d like to know if a class could be setup for Monday August 3rd.
