The control board should be removed for this. Since it’s a different shape than the original it’s not permanently mounted to the chassis anymore. I think there’s a template on the project site for a new mounting board if someone wants to cut it out and remount the control board.
That’s ok. If you’re free on the 11th we’ll probably be doing stuff then too! Expecting the lasers to arrive on about the 10th (that’s the best delivery estimate they’ll give me).
What time do you expect to need to move it to storage. I should be able to drop by to help relocate it with my truck. Moving big and heavy stuff is what my liftgate is for.
I’m totally down to loan the truck back whenever I can. I’m going to be moving the last of the stuff Saturday morning with the truck.
The lift gate hasn’t been working. I need to buy another battery and see if it’s a battery issue.
I think people will get a kick out of DMS loaner truck 2.0. It’s a total trip.
Thank you Shawn and David! A liftgate would help, but we can probably manage without it. So Shawn if you’re planning to be at the space Saturday… guessing around 1 or 2pm… We’ll take you up on it. Otherwise we’ll manage with David’s truck
And Nicole you have enough going on, don’t worry about us! I appreciate the offer though. And if you need help on the truck we can get the guys on it!