Do I see a rearrangement of the laser area (workstations) in the camera? Looks like much more space. Is this now the primary walkway from the back door into woodshop (and the rest of the building) or are people supposed to walk through the auto bays? Are all four computers in a row now on the opposite side of the aisle?
The workstation placement will make it very difficult to empty the Felder when the auto bays are full. I think we will want to move the workstations back to allow roller cart access in front of them.
Can we plz move laser rearrangement to its own thread. The issue of the bearing has been fixed. And issue threads aren’t for discussion.
@Team_Moderators If one of you could do me a favor and please split out the conversations about the rearrangement into a new thread so I can properly respond to them - and close/resolve this one.
For those of you that commented on the rearrangement, when the thread has been split, I will update- but yes you CAN use the walkway in between - and in fact should be - it’s now over twice as wide and will be easier to move things between. We finished this last night, I was planning to make a talk post but my computer was freaking out by the time that I got home at like 3:00 a.m. so decided to wait until this morning…
I don’t have a strong opinion about the rearrangement but do wonder if the chicane on the egress route is going to prove acceptable to the fire marshal.